Thursday, January 24, 2013

Promiscuous Teleologists

We're all promiscuous teleologists, it appears, but scientists less than others fortunately.  (And I love Epiphenom, BTW.)


Anonymous said...

You're right! I consider Tarskian metalanguage sentences non-standard teleological entropic Searlean performative declarations of natural law. Epiphenominal consciousness is the function of the universe.

Anonymous said...

I'm a pragmatic prostitute. Lol!

Eric Sotnak said...

This is why I think Daniel Dennett's account of the "design stance" is somewhat under-appreciated. Try to explain to a kid why flowers are colorful without using any teleological language. It can be done, but it really takes some conscious effort (at least it did for me).

(By the way, thanks to Westley for "non-standard teleological entropic Searlean performative declarations of natural law".)

DM said...

Spread the WORD

they did not survive Armageddon...

2 Kings 19

"That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies!"

i want to go HOME...

i don't want to deal with all these little atheist f*ckers anymore....

Atheism will NO LONGER EXIST after we finish...

Unknown said...

DM, if you want to be taken seriously, show some intelligence by using HTML tags!