Friday, April 1, 2011

Good News: Prometheus to publish my book, working title The Case Against Christ.

Prometheus has agreed to publish my book about Jesus' resurrection.  Tentatively, we'll be working on final revisions of it for the Spring 2012 book season.  More details as they develop.


Matt said...

Massive congratulations Professor, -I look forward to reading it and seeing all the big-name reviews :)

Anonymous said...

Rockin'! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I started to think something went wrong since you hadn't talked about it in a while. Make sure it comes in a Kindle version, as well!

Matt DeStefano said...

Awesome, it will be really exciting to pick up a copy.

John said...

Congratulations! I look forward to reading it.

Unknown said...
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Derek said...

Wow! Congratulations professor. I've seen you debate on the subject and you definitely know what you're talking about. I can't wait to order my copy.

The Atheist Missionary said...

Will pre-order as soon as I can. Congrats.

The Atheist Missionary said...

Hope it's cheaper than Oppy's. :)

Josh May said...

Congrats! A nice publisher; our own Nathan Salmon has a book with them too. Looking forward to the release!

Epiphenom said...

Excellent - looking forward to it already!

John Danaher said...

That's good news. It's just a pity it's so long away.

(I'd volunteer for proofreading a manuscript if you like...)

Derek said...

Wow, congratulations. They're a great publisher. I look forward to reading it.

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome, simply awesome!

Kevin Smith said...

I cannot wait to read it! Your insights are brilliant, and thus, are sure to deepen and sharpen my own cognitive abilities. I am very glad I found your blog professor!